Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oli eaten a yummy strawberry at the park on mother's day :)

Sweet little avery trying the strawberries to. I wonder if she likes it?? :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yesterday my family and I went on our first family hiking trip!! It was so much fun!! we got to see so many things and it is so beautiful up there!!! We loved it so much we are planning to go every saturday :)

This is a little river we saw at the start of the hike. This is one of my favorite things i got to see up there. :)

This is when we were about half way threw our hike. we could see absolutly everything it was so pretty and amazing!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

haha! its my best friend megan :) she hates pictures so she isnt that happy but at least i got a wonderful picture that i will NEVER delete :) :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For mutual all the miamaids made mothers day frames. It was so fun! My leader Julie brought this cool little portable printer that hooks up to her camera and it prints in like two minuites. It was a blast!!!

Isnt she adorable?! This is at mutual one night when
Vary (our leader) brought her sweet little angel along!! Everyone absolutely loves her!!!